WAIVER DEED between John F. Robinson & wife Susan J. to George P. Helme

Waiver Deed
Dated Jany. 18, 1896
before F. H. Tuthill, NP
Cons. $10 ($550.)
Rec. Jany. 21, 1896
in Liber 433 Pg. 97

John F. Robinson
and Susan J., his wife
Rocky Point, Suffolk
Co., NY
George P. Helme
of Millers Place


"All that tract or parcel of Woodland situated in the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffok and State of New York and known as the North end of a gore piece lying between the great Division of Wading River lots and the Little Division Lot so called, and bounded on the South by land of Amelia Ritch: East by land of Amelia Ritch and land of Sylvester D. Tutlhill, dec. and or Lot No. 54 of the Wading River Division of lots: West by other land of George P. Helme; said piece of land running Northwardly from the first named bound until it comes to a point at the North end near the Old Town Road, so called. Containing 71 acres and 52 square rods, be the same more or less.